We are seeking member endorsement of the MEAA Freelance Charter of Rights. 

Freelance journalists, photographers, writers, editors, producers, cartoonists and illustrators are a vital part of the media industry, and we are standing together to set a floor for pay and conditions and protect quality journalism.

The MEAA National Freelance Committee has compiled almost 500 survey responses from media freelancers to develop the Freelancers for Fair Rates Report and a draft Freelance Journalists Charter of Rights which outlines the core rights that freelancers have told us matter most to you and puts quality journalism at the forefront.

The Freelance Charter will form the foundation of our campaigns, as freelancers stand together to seek collective agreements with media outlets that outline specific minimum rates of pay and deadlines for payment.

Read the charter below and give your endorsement to be part of a historic campaign for a fairer industry.