Nine Newspapers freelancers for fair rates

In 2024 MEAA freelancers and staff stood together in a 5 day strike and won a seat at the table for freelance contributors! Now, freelancers are fighting hard to secure a fair and transparent deal that keeps up with the cost of living. Now more than ever it is important for us to come together…

Meet the freelance committee

The National Freelance Committee of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) works to improve freelancers’ power, respect, fair pay and conditions. MEAA’s National Freelance Committee aims to improve freelancers’ power through collective actions for respect, fair pay and conditions.  The committee was formally established by MEAA’s Federal Council in 2019 and existed prior to that…

Freelance Journalists’ Charter of Rights

  We are seeking member endorsement of the MEAA Freelance Charter of Rights.  Freelance journalists, photographers, writers, editors, producers, cartoonists and illustrators are a vital part of the media industry, and we are standing together to set a floor for pay and conditions and protect quality journalism. The MEAA National Freelance Committee has compiled almost…

What’s driving freelancers from media to content?

By Vivienne Pearson Why I’m shifting from writing for media to copywriting Ironically, it was an accountant rather than a writer or editor who succinctly summed up my dilemma. “There seems to be a disconnect between your bylines and your income,” she said, after looking at my website showing my writing in The Sydney Morning…